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Value for Money in Exclusivity

Practitioner Note 9 - Value for Money in Exclusivity is the last guidance document in a set of nine that form the Local Education Partnerships Toolkit.

Summary Cover image of Practitioner Note 9 - Value for Money in Exclusivity

This note focuses on guidance to help ensure the LEP continues to offer value for money beyond the initial procurement phase into the operational stage, as this is critical for the local authority's statutory obligations around public sector financial management.

This note discusses the key components that need to be assessed to demonstrate that a LEP is delivering value for money.

Key components of value for money assessments

The following components are key when completing a value for money assessment:

These criteria should form the minimum of any value for money assessment to determine whether the LEP is delivering to the strategic objectives of all stakeholders.

Download Practitioner Note 9 - Value for Money in Exclusivity