Practitioner Note 1 - Local Authority Strategic Planning
is the first guidance document in a set of nine that form
Local Education
This note provides guidance on Local Authority Strategic Planning when setting up and operating a LEP.
Effective planning will result in a LEP with a well-defined scope and clear understanding of how it fits in with existing local authority's service delivery structures.
A successful LEP will deliver a well-managed and sustainable flow of projects at the right price and to the required quality.
The ability to maintain and deliver the right balance and flow of projects is driven by the effectiveness of the strategic planning process and outcomes, and crucially needs to integrate with the LEP business planning process.
This note focuses on ten key elements that contribute to effective planning; advises when and how they should happen; and discusses who she be involved.
The 10 steps to effective strategic planning
The results of the review carried out into the LEP model show the ten key steps to be:
Following these steps should not only ensure succesful delivery of BSF projects but also help to identify and potential for the local authority to integrate the LEP into its broader priorities.
Find out more about Practitioner Note 2 - The LEP's Role in Education Transformation