The DfE produces a wide range of design guidance publications.
The Schools for the Future series of publications from the DfE will be relevant to anyone involved in BSF:
Government has made a commitment to making science a
priority in schools at all levels; to improve science
learning and teaching and to inspire more young people,
from all backgrounds, to study and work in science.
Project Faraday aims to improve the design of school
science facilities, as part of a ide programme to
support these goals.
Published in 2008
This guide is available to download as a pdf in two parts:
Project Faraday part 1;
Project Faraday part 2.
Design of Sustainable Schools: Case Studies
Aimed at expert professionals such as designers and local authority clients, this guide covers case studies of both new build and refurbished schools, showing how many sustainability techniques used in the design of new schools can be applied to existing schools.
Published in November 2006.
Download Sustainable Schools: Case Studies
Designing Schools for Extended Services
Extended schools benefit not only children and young people, but also wider local communities. The Government has set out a clear aim for extended services provision, including childcare, study support, parenting support, specialist services, and adult learning and leisure.
Published in 2006.
Download Designing Schools for Extended Services
This book encourages schools to consider how best to use their grounds for the educational, recreational and social needs of their pupils and wider communities. It gives practical case studies of schools that have transformed their outside environments.
Published October 2006.
Download Designing School Grounds
Inspirational Design for PE & Sport Spaces
Aimed at designers, school heads, local authorities and other sport and leisure providers.
Published in November 2005, it includes several inspiring case studies.
This guide is available to download as a pdf in four parts:
PE & Sport Spaces part 1;
PE & Sport Spaces part 2;
PE & Sport Spaces part 3;
PE & Sport Spaces part 4.
Transforming Schools: An Inspirational Guide to Remodelling Secondary Schools
Using real schools as examples, this book outlines the benefits of remodelling (with some new build) over total replacement, and discusses preparing for and implementing transformation, such as through BSF. Published in 2004.
The book highlights how the Exemplar Designs (see above) can be used in remodelling schools.
The compendium is a large document, and may take some time to download.
Exemplar Designs: Concepts and Ideas
In 2003, the DfES commissioned eleven leading architectural firms to develop Exemplar Designs for primary, secondary and all-through schools, to demonstrate how high quality school designs could be achieved within the area and cost guidelines used as the basis of BSF funding.