A new UK Government took office on 11 May 2010. As a result the content on this site may not reflect current Government policy.
All statutory guidance and legislation published on this site continues to reflect the current legal position unless indicated otherwise.
To view the new Department for Education website, please go to http://www.education.gov.uk

Publication scheme


This Publication Scheme for Partnerships for Schools (PfS) consists of two sections:

Part 1 introduces, and sets out, how PfS approaches its commitments to adopting a publication scheme under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ('the Act'). This part includes how to find information or documents, any costs, how to access that information, giving feedback and who is responsible for FOI in PfS.

Part 2 introduces and sets out in table form the classes of information and documentation that PfS publishes.

PART 1 - PfS's Publication Scheme


  1. PfS is a non-departmental public body (nDPB) of the Department for Education (DfE). PfS manage and deliver the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme, the Academies programme, and all other schools capital programmes.
  2. Under the Act, all public authorities are required to make information available through their publication scheme. The publication scheme should contain information which is disclosed routinely, without the need for a written request for that information.
  3. A publication scheme must specify the classes of information that an authority publishes or intends to publish; the form in which this is or will be done; and whether there is any charge for the information. Information immediately available on the PfS website is provided free of charge but other requests may be chargeable.
  4. The PfS Publication Scheme sets out the information that PfS will proactively publish via the PfS website on a regular basis. This includes information, summary papers, reports, expenses, and any materials published by PfS.
  5. PfS's publications are intended for Internet access only, therefore the starting point for any search is the PfS website. Paper copies or physical versions of these materials are available on request from PfS's Communications Team. See Charges and Fees section for any additional costs.


  6. The PfS Publication Scheme will be formally reviewed on an annual basis.
  7. The PfS Director of Corporate Affairs has overall responsibility for PfS's Publication Scheme and its maintenance.

    Charges and Fees

  8. Wherever possible, PfS will provide information without charge. However, where the applicant does not have access to the Internet and the request involves extensive photocopying or printing, we will apply the following fee scale.


    A4 A5
    Up to 100 sheets Free Free
    Over 100 sheets 10p 20p

    Copyright and Intellectual Property

  9. Material on the PfS website may be downloaded to a file or printer without requiring specific prior permission, provided it is not for re-publication or further use.
  10. Any other proposed use of material, including the use of the PfS logo, is subject to the approval of the Director of Corporate Affairs at PfS.
  11. The permission to reproduce material does not extend to any material accessed through the publication scheme that is the copyright of third parties. You must obtain authorisation to reproduce such material from the copyright holders concerned.


  12. If you are unable to find the information that you were seeking, and you feel that PfS has not fulfilled its obligations under the Act then you are entitled to make a formal complaint.
  13. To do this, please write or email to the Director of Corporate Affairs, stating clearly why you feel you have reason to complain. In addition, please include your full name, postal address and phone number, the date of your request and a description of the information you were looking for, any references used, and if appropriate the name(s) of any staff who assisted you.
  14. In the event of a complaint, you should write to the Director of Corporate Affairs who will arrange for an internal review. All complaints will be investigated and a response provided within 20 days of receipt.
  15. Further to an internal review of your complaint, if you are not happy with the response you may then follow the Information Commissioner's complaints scheme.


  16. We would appreciate your comments on how useful you have found the Publication Scheme, ways in which it could be improved and how easy you have found it to navigate the structure. Please email us and let us know what you think, or let us know if PfS staff have been particularly helpful to you.

    Contacting PfS

  17. If you have a general enquiry, or, wish to request information under the Act, the Data Protection Act, or the Environmental Information Regulations please contact PfS:
    Tel 020 3301 7001
    Fax 020 3301 7199
    Email [email protected]

    Partnerships for Schools
    33 Greycoat Street,
    London SW1P 2QF

PART 2 - Classes of Information

  1. The Act requires publication schemes to specify the classes of information that the public authority publishes; the manner in which information is published; and whether the material is available to the public free of charge or on payment.
  2. PfS publishes or intends to publish information under the classes listed below, allowing for changes in terminology that will occur over time.
  3. Each of the classes in this Publication Scheme are described in the following tables of this section. The example table below explains what each entry in a class table is about.
  4. The below headings are based on the definition document for non-departmental public bodies (nDPBs), provided by the Information Commissioner's Office. This document, and further guidance on the Freedom of Information Act, can be accessed via www.ico.gov.uk.

Classes of Information

  1. Who we are and what we do
  2. What we spend and how we spend it
  3. What are our priorities and how are we doing
  4. How we make decisions
  5. Lists and Registers
  6. The services we offer

Who we are and what we do

Organisational information, structures, locations and contacts.

Roles and Responsibilities
Partnerships for Schools (PfS) was established in 2004 by the DfE (previously DCSF) as both a company and an executive non-departmental public body (NDPB).

More information on what we do can be accessed via the About us pages of this site.

Organisational Structure
Please visit the Executive section of our website for further details of our organisational structure and PfS's functions with the DfE.

Key Partnerships
See the Key Partnerships section of our annual report and accounts 2009/10 (to be published July 2010) for details of the organisations with which we work in partnership.

Senior staff and management board members
The management structure of the PfS can be accessed via the About Us section of the website which details members of the PfS Board and senior management.

The locations and contact details for the authority
PfS's registered address is Partnerships for Schools 33 Greycoat Street London SW1P 2QF. PfS also have an office in Darlington, which is Partnerships for Schools Mowden Hall Staindrop Road Darlington DL3 9BG.

What we spend and how we spend it

Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
Annual accounts are held at Companies House and are available for the public and can be accessed via www.companieshouse.gov.uk

A summary of PfS's financial statements are published in PfS's Annual Report and Accounts (due to be published in July 2010).

Spending Reviews
For full details of PfS's expenditure please see the summary of PfS's financial statements (due to be published in July 2010).

Staff and Board members allowences and expenses
PfS's travel and subsistence rules can be found here.

Pay and grading structures
The About Us pages of this website provide some information relating to our pay and grading structures.

Lists of contracts awarded and their value
PfS maintains a comprehensive contracts register which is available on request. Details of major contracts are provided in the Annual Report and Accounts (to be published July 2010).

Financial statements for projects and events
All financial statements can be found in the Annual Report and Accounts (to be published July 2010).

Internal financial regulations
Our Financial Memorandum outlines the financial framework within which PfS is required to operate.

What are our priorities and how are we doing

Strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews. The Information Commissioner has indicated that information within this class should cover the previous three financial years.

Internal and external performance reviews
Details of PfS's performance against the key performance indicators of its business plan are featured in the Annual Report and Accounts (to be published July 2010).

Other reviews are available on request if not already published on external websites.

Recent reviews include the National Audit Office Value for Money study into BSF.

Inspection reports where the nDPB is subject to formal inspection
This category of information does not apply to PfS, and as such we have no information to disclose.

How we make decisions

Decision making processes and records of decisions.

Major policy proposals and decisions
Any major policy proposals and decisions are listed on the PfS website under the Press Releases section.

Background information relating to major policy proposals and decisions
PfS is a delivery agency. All information regarding policy for schools capital should be referred to the DfE.

Minutes of senior level meetings
Summaries of the most recent board papers will be published shortly.

Lists and Registers

We would expect information in this class to be information contained in currently maintained lists and registers only.

Disclosure logs
PfS provides a disclosure log indicating the information provided in response to requests, which will be available shortly.

Any register of interest kept in the department
PfS maintains registers of staff and board member interests. Board member interests are publically disclosed in the Annual Report and Accounts (to be published July 2010).

The services we offer

Information about the services we currently provide including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced.

Leaflets, booklets and newsletters
Please see the library section of this website where you can download publications produced by PfS.

Advice and guidance
Please see the library section of this website, where you can download publications produced by PfS.

Media releases
Our news releases are published in the Media section of this site.